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Terms for subject Statistics (10994 entries)
lineares logistisches Modell linear logistic model
lineo-Normalverteilung lineo-Normal distribution
Linienbelastung line load
Linienprobe line-transect
Linienstichprobennahme line-intercept method
Linienstichprobenverfahren line transect method
linksschief negatively skewed
Linksschiefe positive skewness
Linsen lentil
liquide Verbindlichkeiten broad money
liquide Verbindlichkeiten liquid liabilities
List-and-Leave-Methode list/leave
Listenstichprobenahme list sampling
Lobe lobe
Lochabzug area to be deducted for fastener holes
Lochabzugsfläche area to be deducted for fastener holes
Lochschwächung deduction (of cross-sectional area) for holes
Lod-Score lod score
log--null Poisson-Verteilung log-zero-Poisson distribution
log-0-Poisson-Verteilung log-zero-Poisson distribution