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Terms for subject Cultural studies (3333 entries)
Luftbildkarte photographic map
Luftbildroutenvermessung aerial route survey
Luftbildtriangulation aerial photo triangulation
Luftfahrzeug-Metallmodell boilerplate model
Magazin storage box
magisches Bilderbuch book with invisible outlines
Magnesium-Blaettchen magnesium foil
Magnesium-Pulver magnesium in powder
magnetische Tonaufzeichnung magnetic sound recording
magnetischer Tonabnehmer magnetic soundhead
Malteserkreuz maltese cross
Malven-Positiv lavender positive
Mandole mandola
Mandoline mandoline
Maracas maraccas
Marke floating dot
Marke floating mark
Marke spatial floating mark
Marmorierung mottles
Maschenweite size of mesh