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Terms for subject Veterinary medicine (593 entries)
Muscardine dying off
Myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord
Myositis inflammation of muscle
Nachgeburtsverhaltung retention of afterbirth
Nachgeburtsverhaltung placental retention after delivery
Nageltritt picked-up nail
Nasenbremse artery clamp
Nekrose numbness
Nekrose mortification
Nervenentzündung neuritis
Neuritis neuritis
Neurose neurosis
Nosemaseuche der Bienen bee nosematosis
Nosemaseuche der Bienen nosema disease
Nosemaseuche des Seidenspinners pebrine disease
Nosematose nosema disease
Notschlachten forced slaughter
Notschlachtung forced slaughter
Nuttaliosis nuttalliosis
Ophtalmie ophthalmia