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Terms for subject Alternative dispute resolution (17268 entries)
Königlicher Hoflieferant by special appointment to Her Majesty
Konjunkturabkühlung cooling off the economy
Konjunkturabkühlung decline of the economic trend
Konjunkturabkühlung slackening of the economic trend
konjunkturanregend wirken exert a stimulating effect on economic activity
konjunkturanregende Maßnahmen measures for stimulating economic activity
Konjunkturanregung stimulation of the economy
Konjunkturbaisse low point of economic activity
konjunkturbedingte Preiserhöhung cyclical price increase
Konjunkturbremse curb on the boom
konjunkturdämpfende Maßnahmen countercyclical measures
konjunkturell steigen show a trend increase
konjunkturelle Abschwächung cyclical slackening
konjunkturelle Erholungsphase phase of economic recovery
konjunkturelle Schwierigkeiten cyclical difficulties
konjunkturelle Spannungen economic strains
konjunkturelle Spannungen cyclical tensions
konjunkturelle Talsohle bottom of recession
konjunktureller Anstieg trend increase
konjunktureller Rückgang cyclical decline