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Terms for subject Marketing (6095 entries)
Kaufwert initial value
Kaufwert purchase price
Kaufwert purchasers'price
Kaufwert purchasers'value
Kaution guarantee deposit
Kaution guarantee in the form of deposits as collateral
Kaution surety
Kaution surety bond
Kaution suretyship
Kaution guaranty
Kautions-und andere Eventualguthaben guarantees and other contingent assets
keine Streuung um den Mittelwert zero canting angle spread
Kernnetzgeschäft core network business
KHV Swiss Art Trading Association
kinetische Temperatur des Mediums kinetic temperature of the medium
Kladde memo book
Kladde waste-book
Klappdeckelpackung flip-top pack
Klappdeckelpackung flip-top package
Klappdeckelpackung flip-top packet