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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Indischer Schweinswal Indian finnless porpoise
Indischer Schweinswal black finnless porpoise
Indischer Schweinswal finnless black porpoise
Indischer Schweinswal finnless porpoise
Individualverkehr privat transport, use of individual cars
Individualverkehr private transport (Transport performed with private means)
Indonesisches Forum für Umweltschutz Indonesian Environmental Forum
Indriartige indris, sifakas and avahis
Indriartige indris, sifakas, avahis and woolly lemurs
Induktion von Stoffwechselenzymen induction of metabolizing enzumes
Industrialisierung industrialisation (The process whereby manufacturing industry comes to occupy the predominant position in a national or regional economy)
Industrie industry (An industry is a group of establishments engaged in the same or similar kinds of economic activities. Industries produce commodities that are sold with the expectation of recovering the total cost of production. A single industry can produce many different commodities)
Industrie auf Grünkurs greening of industry
Industrie der nichtmetallischen Mineralstoffe manufacture of non-metallic mineral products
Industrie- und Gewerbelärm industrial noise
Industrie-Umweltpolitik industrial environmental policy
Industrie-Umweltpolitik industrial environmental policy (The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for the protection of natural resources from pollution generated by manufacturing or business enterprises)
Industrieabfall industrial waste (Waste materials discarded from industrial operations, or derived from manufacturing processes; may be solid, sludge (wet solids) or liquid wastes and may or may not be considered hazardous)
Industrieabfälle industrial waste
Industrieabgas industrial waste gas