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Terms for subject Medical (218387 entries)
HIS Isthmus isthmus rhombencephali
His Lymphspalten His perivascular spaces
His Lymphspaltenräume His perivascular spaces
His Pinselmethode His brush method
His Spindel His spindle
His Tuberkel His tubercle
His Winkel His angle
His Zonen zone of His
His-Bündel His’s bundle
His-Bündel atrioventricular bundle
His-Bündel trunk of atrioventricular bundle
His-Bündel truncus fascicularis atrioventricularis
His-Bündel atrioventricular band
His-Bündel atrioventricular trunk
His-Bündel His band
His-Bündel His bundle
His-Bündel bundle of His
His-Bündel Kent-His bundle
His-Bündel Kent bundle
His-Bündel ventriculonector