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Terms for subject Finances (38389 entries)
Goldbarren bar
Goldbestand gold reserve
Goldbestand gold holding
Goldbestände gold coin and bullion
Goldbewertung gold valuation
Golddarlehen gold loan
Golddeckung gold backing
Golddeckung gold reserve
Golddepot gold deposit
Golddevisen foreign bills payable in gold
Goldeinfuhrpunkt import gold point
Goldeinlagen der Zentralbanken gold contributions of Central Banks
Goldembargo embargo on gold
Goldembargo gold embargo
goldene Bankregel golden rules of banking
goldene Bankregel golden bank rule
Goldfonds gold fund
Goldfranken des WPV gold franc of the UPU
Goldfranken des WPV UPU gold franc
Goldgarantie gold guarantee