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Terms for subject Marketing (6095 entries)
Franchisenehmerdisziplin franchisee discipline
Franchisenehmerprofil franchisee's profile
Franchisenehmerschulung franchisee training
Franchisenehmerstrategie franchisee strategy
Franchisenehmerverband franchisees group
Franchisenetz franchise network
Franchiseoption franchised business option
Franchisepolitik franchising policy
Franchisesymbol franchise ensign
Franchisesymbol franchise symbol
Franchisesystem auf doppelter Ebene double-level franchise
Franchisevergabe franchise granting
Franchisingkodex franchise code of ethics
Franchisingkodex professional franchising rules
Frankaturvermerk instructions concerning method of payment
Frankaturvermerk prepayment instructions
frei Schiff free on board
Frei-Haus-Lieferung free house delivery
freie Güter free goods
freie Notierung auf dem Weltmarkt free quotation on the world market