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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (7972 entries)
frauenfreundlich favorable to women
Frauenfunk women's radio (program)
Frauenfußball women's soccer
Frauenhaus women's shelter
Frauenhintern woman's butt
Frauenklinik gynecological clinic
Frauenklinik gynecological hospital
Frauenkrankheit gynecological disorder
Frauenleiden gynecological disorder
Frauenliebling favorite with the ladies
Frauenpo woman's butt
frech antworten to sass
Fregattvogel frigatebird
Freier john
Freimut candor
freimütig upfront
Freisprecheinrichtung (Telefon) speaker phone
Freistempler (die Maschine) postage meter
Freistoßmauer (Trainingsgerät) soccer wall (training equipment)
Freistunde study hall