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Terms for subject Fencing (428 entries)
Grundstellung initial position
gültige Oberfläche valid surface
gültiger Treffer valid touch
halbe Kavation half degagement
halbe Kontrabattuta half counter beat
halbe Umgehung half degagement
Halbkontraparade half counter parry
Halsnaht upper edge of the collar
Halsschutz neck guard of the mask
Handentziehung withdrawing of the hand
Handlung fencing action
Handstoss thrust on the hand
Handzurücknehmen withdrawing of the hand
Hieb cut
Hiebschwingung cut moulinet
Hilfsfechtmeister assistant fencing coach
Hohlschliff blade
Hüftenlinie line of the hip
Imbroccata "imbroccata"
in die Finale treten get in the final