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Terms for subject Medical (218387 entries)
Ductus Muelleri paramesonephric duct
Ductus nasalis a membranous tube within the bony nasolacrimal canal
Ductus nasalis connecting the lacrimal sac to the inferior meatus of the nose
Ductus nasalis for the drainage of tears
Ductus nasalis nasolacrimal duct
Ductus nasolacrimalis a membranous tube within the bony nasolacrimal canal
Ductus nasolacrimalis connecting the lacrimal sac to the inferior meatus of the nose
Ductus nasolacrimalis for the drainage of tears
Ductus nasolacrimalis nasolacrimal duct
Ductus nasopalatinus incisive duct
Ductus omphaloentericus omphalo-enteric duct
Ductus omphalomesentericus omphalo-enteric duct
Ductus omphalomesentericus vitelline duct
Ductus omphalomesentericus yolk stalk
Ductus omphalomesentericus umbilical duct
Ductus omphalomesentericus omphalomesenteric duct
Ductus omphalomesentericus ductus omphalomesentericus
Ductus omphalomesentericus omphalomesenteric canal
Ductus omphalomesentericus vitellointestinal duct
Ductus pancreaticus canal of Wirsung