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Terms for subject Law (38726 entries)
Coronerin coroner (public officer who determines the cause of death)
corpus delicti material evidence
Counterpart local counterpart
Crack crack (crack cocaine, a form of cocaine)
culpa in contrahendo culpa in contrahendo
Da diese (dieser) den Schengen-Besitzstand ergänzt, beschließt Dänemark gemäß Artikel 4 des genannten Protokolls innerhalb von sechs Monaten, nachdem der Rat diese (dieses) beschlossen hat, ob es sie (ihn) in einzelstaatliches Recht umsetzt. Given that this [INSTRUMENT] builds upon the Schengen acquis, Denmark shall, in accordance with Article 4 of that Protocol, decide within a period of six months after the Council has decided on this [INSTRUMENT] whether it will implement it in its national law.
Dachgesellschaft parent company
Dachtraufdienstbarkeit stillicidii recipiendi
dafür sorgen ensure
Dampfkesselversicherung boiler insurance
dänisches Arbeitsgerichtsgesetz vom 21.April 1964Bekanntmachung Nr.124 the Danish Industrial Court Act of 21 April 1964 (Bulletin n 124)
dänisches Seemannsgesetz Nr.420 vom 18.Juni 1973 Danish Seamen's Law No 420 of 18 June 1973
Darlegen eines Beweises offer of proof (presentation of evidence for the record, but without a jury present, made after the judge has sustained an objection to that evidence, so that the evidence can be preserved on the record for an appeal of the case)
Darlegen von Beweisen offer of proof (presentation of evidence for the record, but without a jury present, made after the judge has sustained an objection to that evidence, so that the evidence can be preserved on the record for an appeal of the case)
Darlegung plea
Darlegungslast duty to state one's case
Darlegungslast requirement as to the facts to be adduced
Darlehen simple loan
Darlehen auf Versicherungsschein advance on insurance policy
Darlehen auf Versicherungsschein loan on insurance policy