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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (7972 entries)
Chrysantheme mum
Citro-Back lemon flavor
Cleverness smartness
Colorpult color desk
Colorsteuerpult color desk
Comicheft comic book
Containerfahrzeug container truck
Contra Dance contra dance
Corporate Raider corporate raider
Coupe sport sedan
couragiert feisty
Cowboy cowpoke
Cowboy-Überhosen chaps
Crack Cocain Devil's dandruff
Crapspieler crapshooter
Creme double heavy cream
cremefarben cream-colored
Cremeschnitte (od.) Kremschnitte creampie (sperm-covered female genital region)
cum laude with honor
Da musste auch noch das Auto kaputtgehen. Then the auto had to go and break down as well.