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Terms for subject Biology (8907 entries)
Baumringchronologie dendrochronology
Baumringdatierung dendrochronology
Baumschicht tree layer
Baumschicht tree stratum
Baumstachelartige New World porcupines
Baumsterben der Aprikose dieback of apricot
Baumsterben der Kirsche dieback of cherry
Baumtomate tree tomato
Baumwollanthraknose cotton anthracnose
Baumwollbakteriose angular leaf spot of cotton
Baumwollbakteriose bacterial blight of cotton
Baumwolleule cotton bollworm Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Baumwolleule cotton bollworm Andrey­ Truhac­hev
Baumwollwanze red cotton bug
Baumwollwanze stainer
Baustoffwechsel anabolism
Baustoffwechsel assimilation
Baustoffwechsel constructive metabolism
Bawean-Schweinshirsch Bawean deer
Bazillus rod-shaped bacterium