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Terms for subject Demography (880 entries)
Eigenheim cooperative apartment
Eigenheim freehold dwelling
Eigenheim freehold flat
Eigenheim owner-occupied dwelling
Eigenheim owner-occupied flat
Eigenheim owner-occupied house
Eigenheim private residential building
Eigenheimbesitzer owner-occupier
Eigenland freehold land
Eigenland land in private ownership
Eigenregistrierung self-enumeration
Eigentumsbildung accession to ownership
Eigentumsbildung accession to property
Eigentumsbildung acquisition of property
Eigentumsbildung coming into home ownership
Eigentumsbildung acquisition assets by employees
Eigentumsbildung formation of property
Eigentumsbildung creation of ownership
Eigentumserwerb accession to ownership
Eigentumserwerb accession to property