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Terms for subject General (501013 entries)
Ärzte im Angestelltenverhältnis doctors who pursue their activities as employed persons
Ärzte ohne Grenzen Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Ärztekammer professional body of doctors
Ärztekammer medical association
Ärztekammer medical council
Ärztekoffer [gefüllt] instrument cases for use by surgeons and doctors
Ärztekongress conference of doctors
Ärzteschaft medical profession
Ärzteschule (archaisch) school of medicine
Ärztestreik doctors' strike
Arztgeheimnis medical secret
Arzthelfer physician's assistant
Arzthelfer doctor's assistant
Arzthelfer doctor's receptionist
Arzthelfer medical secretary
Arzthelfer practice nurse
Arzthelfer assistant
Arzthelfer receptionist
Arzthelferin assistant
Arzthelferin receptionist