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Terms for subject Law (38137 entries)
angefechtene Hearing contested hearing (legal proceeding in which outcome is put into question by possible administrative misconduct)
angefochtene Entscheidung disputed decision
angefochtene Entscheidung decision complained of
angefochtene Wahl disputed election
angefochtener Entscheid opposed decision
angefochtener Entscheid opposed judgment
angefochtener Entscheid challenged decision
angefochtener Punkt point of contention
angefochtenes Urteil contested judgment
angeführte Tatsache cited fact
angeführte Tatsache exposed fact
angegliederte Gesellschaft company being acquired
angegriffene Entscheidung des Schiedsausschusses arbitration committee's decision against which the appeal is made
angeheiratete Tante aunt-in-law
Angehörige des Sprachendienstes expert in the translation service
Angehörige gleicher Ehejahrgänge marriage cohort
Angehöriger des Sprachendienstes expert in the translation service
Angehöriger eines dritten Staates national of a third State
Angehöriger eines Rechtsberufs legal practitioner
Angeklagter accused