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Terms for subject Medical (218387 entries)
als Sentineltier eingeführtes Ferkel sentinel piglet
ALT alanine transaminase
ALT glutamic-alanine transaminase
ALT glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
ALT serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
altbewährt of long standing
Altenfürsorge old people care
Altenheim home for aged people
Alter anatomical age
Alter chronological age
Alter mit hohem Risiko für die Nachkommen period of high risk where future children are concerned
Alter-Geschlecht-Pyramide age-sex pyramid
Alter-Geschlecht-Register age-sex register
Alter-Prozent-Faustregel Augsberger rule
Alteratio plasma mutation
Alteration plasma mutation
Alterationstheorie alteration theory
alterative Entzündung alterative inflammation
alterative Entzündung tissue alterative inflammation
alterative Pankreatitis parenchymatous pancreatitis