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Terms for subject British (usage, not spelling) (8748 entries)
Pfusch cock-up
phonetisch darstellen to phoneticise
Phosphatdünger phosphate fertiliser
Phosphordünger phosphate fertiliser
Photosensibilisierung photosensitisation
Physiotherapeuten physiotherapists
Physiotherapeutin physiotherapist (female)
Picke pickaxe
Pickerl (österr., ugs. : Autobahnvignette) motorway permit sticker
Pidginisierung (einer Sprache) pidginisation (of a language)
Piercing (Körperschmuck) piece of body jewellery
Piercingschmuck piercing jewellery
pikant savoury
Pikantheit savouriness
pillepalle easy-peasy
Pilotenlizenz pilot's licence
Pimpf (kleiner Junge) titch
pinkfarben pink-coloured
Pinkus-Tumor Pinkus' tumour
Pinne (bes. nordd. : Reißzwecke) drawing pin