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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Verband Schweizerischer Abwasserfachleute SWPCA
Verband Schweizerischer Abwasserfachleute Swiss Water Pollution Control Association
Verbandsklagerecht class action suits law
Verbandsklagerecht class action suits law (Legal action initiated by a single person or a few people on behalf of a group with similar claim or claims)
verbesserte Benzinverbrennung durch"Schichtladung" improvement in the combustion of petrol by means of a "stratified load"
verbesserte Verwaltungspraktik improved management practice
Verbesserung der Bodenporosität improving soil porosity
Verbesserung des Lebensrahmens improvement of the quality of life
Verbindung aromatic compound (Compounds characterized by the presence of at least one benzene ring)
Verbindung chemical compound
Verbindung aromatic compound
Verbindungsbeamter cooperation officer
Verbleib und Auswirkungen der Abfälle fate and effects of the waste
verbleites Benzin leaded petrol
verbleites Benzin, Benzin mit Bleizusatz leaded petrol
Verbot prohibition (An interdiction or forbidding of an activity or action by authority or law)
Verbot ban on
Verbot prohibition of
Verbot der Durchmischung non-dilution principle
Verbot des Feuerentfachens burning ban