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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (7972 entries)
Trapezoid trapezium
Traps odor trap
Trauerbegleiter grief counselor
Trauermantel (Schmetterling) mourning cloak (butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa)
trauervoll somber
traulich cozy
Traumurlaub dream vacation
traurig somber (message, news)
traut cozy (little)
traut homey
trautes Heim cozy (little) home
Trauzeugin maid of honor (unmarried)
Trauzeugin matron of honor (married or mature)
Trema dieresis (Br. spv.)
Tremazeichen dieresis (Br. spv.)
Trendfarbe trend color
Trendfarbe trendy color
Trennöl mold oil
Treppe stairway
Treppe stoop