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Terms for subject Informal (11697 entries)
total ausflippen go hog wild
total geschafft zonked (coll.: tired, exhausted)
total gestresst sein to be stressed out
total miese Laune haben to be in a filthy mood
total übergeschnappt barking mad
total verdreckt Augean
total verknallt lovey-dovey
total verrückt mad as a hatter
total witzig hysterical
totale Niete dead loss
totaler Blödsinn utter rubbish
totaler Quatsch bollocks (sl.: rubbish)
totaler Reinfall dead loss
Totalversager dead loss
Totenvogel bird of the dead
Totgesagte leben länger there's life in the old dog yet
totreden talk . into the ground
totreden wear down
totreden flog to death
totreden thrash to death