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Terms for subject Environment (26921 entries)
Luftverschmutzung particle pollution
Luftverschmutzung particulate air pollution
Luftverschmutzung atmospheric pollution
Luftverschmutzung durch Ozon air pollution by ozone
Luftverschmutzung von Innenräumen indoor air pollution
Luftverschmutzung von Innenräumen indoor air pollution (Chemical, physical or biological contaminants in the air inside buildings and other enclosed spaces occupied by humans. This pollution can arise from tobacco smoke, pesticides, cleaning agents, gases released from building materials, rugs, household products, etc.)
Luftverschmutzungsmodellierung und-simulation air pollution modelling and simulation
Luftverunreinigender Stoff air pollutant
luftverunreinigender Stoff air pollutant
Luftverunreinigender Stoff airborne pollutant
luftverunreinigendes Partikel particulate pollutant
Luftverunreinigung air pollution (Presence in the atmosphere of large quantities of gases, solids and radiation produced by the burning of natural and artificial fuels, chemical and other industrial processes and nuclear explosions)
Luftvorwaermer air preheater
Luftwirbel vortex turbulence
Lumholtz-Känguruh Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo
Lumpensammler scavenger
Lungenerkrankung pulmonary disease (Any disease pertaining to the lungs)
Lungenerkrankung pulmonary disease
lungengaengiger Feinstaub respirable fine dust
Lütticher Kugel Liège ball