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Terms for subject General (501013 entries)
Division CRI National Criminal Intelligence Division
Division CRI National Criminal Intelligence Service
Division durch Null division by zero
Divisionsgefechtsstand division command post
Divisionszeichen division sign
Divisor divisor
Divisorenreihe series of divisors
Divisorenverfahren method of divisors
Diwali (Hinduistiches Fest zu Ehren der Göttin Lakshmi) Diwali (Hindu festival honouring goddess Lakshmi)
Diwan divan
Diwane divans
Dixieland Dixie, Dixieland
Dixondrossel Long-tailed Mountain Thrush
dizygotisch dizygotic
DJH Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk
Djinn djinn (in Arabian stories)
DKP Deutsche Kommunistische Partei
DM-Ausländerkonten non-residents' DM accounts
DM-Auslandsanleihen foreign DM issues
DM-Interventionen ausländischer Zentralbanken DM interventions of foreign central banks