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Terms for subject American (usage, not spelling) (7972 entries)
Bullenhoden Mountain oysters
Bummelant slowpoke
bummeln goof around
Bummelzug accommodation (accommodation train)
bumsen (vulg. : Geschlechtsverkehr haben) to whoopee
Bundesanwalt Federal Public Prosecutor
Bundesberufungsgericht circuit court of appeals
Bundesbezirksgericht (USA) U.S. District Court
Bundesgerichtshof für Bundesbezirke U.S. District Court
Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz Clean Air Act
Bundessicherheitspolizist fed
Bundesstraße federal highway
Bundesverdienstkreuz Federal Cross of Merit
Bundesverkehrsministerium (BMV) Department of Transportation (DOT)
Bundfaltenhose pleated slacks
bunt multi-colored
bunt versicolor
bunt bemalt colorfully painted
bunt geblümt with a colorful flower design
bunt geblümt with a colorful flower pattern