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Terms for subject Environment (24829 entries)
Ballung urban concentration (A process in which an increasing proportion of a country's population is concentrated in urban areas)
Ballungsgebiet conurbation (1. A large densely populated urban sprawl formed by the growth and coalescence of individual towns or cities. 2. Large area covered with buildings (houses or factories or public building, etc.) 3. A large area occupied by urban development, which may contain isolated rural areas, and formed by the merging together of expanding towns that formerly were separate)
Ballungsgebiet area of (industrial) concentration
Ballungsgebiet congested area
Baltikum Baltic province
Balz courtship behaviour
Balzverhalten courtship
Bamag-Becken Bamag basin
Bänder-Känguru band-hare-wallaby
Bänder-Känguru munning
Bänder-Steinkauz forest little owl
Bänder-Steinkauz forest owlet
Bänder-Steinkauz forest spotted owl
Bänderlingsang banded linsang
Bänderroller banded palm civet
Bandfilterpresse belt filter
Bandfilterpresse filter belt press
Bandfink cut throat
Bandräumer belt scourer
Bandräumer flight scraper