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Terms for subject Physics (54072 entries)
adaptive Optik adaptive optics
adaptives optisches System adaptive optical system
Additionsgesetz der Intensität intensity sum rule
additive Mischung additive mixing
additive Verfärbung additive coloration
additiver Parameter extensive parameter
additiver Parameter extensive property
additiver Prozeß differential process
additiver stochastischer Prozeß differential process
additiver Term additive term
Adhäsionsarbeit work of adhesion
Adhäsionskraft adhesive force
Adhäsionskraft adhesive power
Adhäsionswärme heat of adhesion
Adhäsionszahl adherence number
Adiabate adiabatic
Adiabatenbedingung adiabatic condition
Adiabatenbedingung condition of adiabaticity
Adiabatenexponent specific heat ratio
Adiabatenhypothese adiabatic hypothesis