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Terms for subject Zootechnics (1251 entries)
Pferdepfleger stable-man
Pferdepfleger stable boy
Pferdestall stud
Pferdezug multiple team of horses
plattrippiger Bauch lean belly
plattrippiger Bauch wiry belly
plattrippiger Bauch sinewy belly
Pony pony
Portionsweide enclosure for pasturing cattle
Portionsweide pen-fold
Poularde spayed hen
Poularde fat pullet
Primipara for the first time calving (foaling, lambing, farrowing) animal
Primipara primiparous female
Probierhengst sampler
Probierhengst sampling tube
Probierhengst test rod
Putenstall turkey house
rappenfarbig black colour
rappenfarbig black colouration