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Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations (552 entries)
Online-Urkundenbestellservice online order of documents
ordentlicher Wohnsitz habitual place of residence
Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft Austrian National Union of Students
Parkometerabgabe parking fee
Parkpickerl resident parking permit
Parkraumbewi rtschaftung parking management
Partnerschaftsurkunde civil partnership certificate
Personalausweis ID card
Personalstelle Wiener Stadtwerke Personnel Office of the Vienna Public Utilities
Pflegegelder attendance allowance
Politische Organe political bodies
Polytechnische Schule pre-vocational school
PraktikantIn trainee
Präsidialabteilung Executive Office of the Mayor
Problemstoffsammelstellen hazardous household waste collection point
Projektleitstelle Project Co-ordination Office
Qualifikationsnachweis proof of qualifications
quotenfrei exempt from the general immigration quota fixed by the federal government
Rathaus City Hall
Raumklima indoor temperature