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Terms for subject General (498507 entries)
N.N nomen nominandum
N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie Gasunie
N/A (DE) unilineal family
N/A (DE) family issues
Na Yeah?
Na gut. Fair enough.
Na gut. Very well then.
na ja oh well
na ja well..
na ja yeah Andrey­ Truhac­hev
na ja, aber on the other hand (OTOH)
Na ja, es geht so. Not too bad. (Answer to a query regardings one's health)
Na ja, nicht so richtig. Well, not really.
Na klar! Sure thing!
Na klar! Sure!
Na klar! Of course it is!
Na los! Go ahead! (GA)
na los, mach schon go ahead (GA)
na schön, aber ... that's all very well, but ...
Na schön. All right.