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Terms for subject Weapons and gunsmithing (5992 entries)
Lademulde loading cutout
Lademulde loading platform
Lademulde loading tray
Lademulde tray
Ladeöffnung loading port
Ladeöffnungsdeckel loading port cover
Ladepresse press
Laderaum combustion chamber
Laderaumverdrängung advance of forcing cone
Ladesack powder increment
Ladeschale loading tray
Ladeschale shot tray
Ladeschale tray
Ladeschütze loader
Ladestockbuchse ramrod pipe
Ladestockhaltefeder ramrod retaining spring
Ladestockspitze ramrod tip
Ladestocktunnel ramrod channel
Ladestocktunnel ramrod groove
Ladestockwulst ramrod swell