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Terms for subject Pharmacology (140 entries)
Opiumextrakt opium extract
Opiumtinktur tincture of opium
Opodeldok od. camphorated soap liniment
p-Oxybenzylpenicillin p-hydroxybenzyl-penicillin
Pastille lozenge
Petroleumbenzin petroleum benzine
Pfefferminztinktur tincture of peppermint
Pharmazeutikum medicine
pharmazeutische Wirkstoff active pharmaceutical ingredient
Phenolwasser phenolated water
Präparat preparation
Präparat drug
Retardierung sustained release
Retardierung controlled release
Retardpräparat controlled-release drug
Retardpräparat controlled-release preparation
Retardpräparat sustained-release preparation
Retardpräparat delayed-action drug
Retardpräparat delayed-action preparation
Risikokriterien risk criteria