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Terms for subject Paleontology (2874 entries)
Internlobus antisiphonal lobe
Internlobus dorsal lobe
Internlobus internal lobe
Interradialia interradiais
Interradialtafeln interradiais
Interradialtafeln deltoids
Interradius inter-radius
Interradius radius of the second order
Interseptalapparat interseptal apparat
Interseptallamellen dissepiments
Interseptalraum interseptym
Intervallum intervallum
intrakamerale Ablagerungen cameral deposits
Intrakapsulum central capsule
Ischiopodit ischiopod
Ischiopodit ischiopodite
Isochelen isochelaklosters
Isochelen isochelas
isodontes Schloß isodont hinge
Jugalader jugal vein