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Terms for subject Beekeeping (377 entries)
Mittelwand comb-frame making form
Muttervolk parent colony
Mykose fungous disease
Mykose der Bienenbrut mycosis of the bee brood
Mykose der Bienenbrut mycotic disease
Mykose der Bienenbrut fungal disease of the bee brood
Nachschaffungszelle emergency queen cell
Nachschwarm second swarm
Nachschwarm afterswarm
Nachschwarm after swarm
natürliche Wabe honeycomb
Nectarergiebigkeit nectar bearing capacity
Notfütterung emergency feeding
Nucleus queen cell
ohne Beute without collection
Pflegevolk nurse colony
Pilzkrankheit fungous disease
Pollen bee bread
Pollen deposited pollen
Preßabfall slumgum