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Terms for subject Cultural studies (3180 entries)
Hard-Light hard light
Hard-Light high-contrast lighting
Harfensaite harp string
harmonische Teiltonreihe harmonic series of sounds
hart cut
harte Emulsion hard emulsion
harte Emulsion high contrast emulsion
harter Bleistift hard pencil
hat einen Stich ins Gruene tends to green
heiβes Metall hot metal
heliographisches Papier heliographic paper
heliographisches Papier specially sensitised paper
Heliogravure photo-engraving
Hellentwicklungssystem daylight development equipment
Helligkeitsumfang des Objektes subject brightness contrast
Helligkeitsumfang des Objektes subject brightness range
Herme herm
herstellen make up an emulsion
herstellen prepare an emulsion
Herstellung im Dauerbetrieb continuous preparation