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Terms for subject Banking (3019 entries)
fester Vorschuss fixed advance
fester Wechselkurs fixed exchange rate
Festgeld fixed-term deposit
Festgeldkonto time deposit account
festgelegter Wechselkurs pegged exchange rate
Festhypothek mortgage with fixed interest rote
Festübernahme direct underwriting
festverzinsliche Werfe fixed-interest securities
festverzinsliche Werfe fixed-yield securities
fiduziarischer Eigentümer fiduciary holder
fiktiv imputed
Filialbank branch bank
Financial Futures financial futures
Finanzabteilung finance department
Finanzamt fiscal administration
Finanzamt administration of taxes
Finanzbedarf financial needs
Finanzbehörde treasury
Finanzbehörde tax authorities
Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz Financial Services Act 1986