
A B D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z   <<  >>
Terms for subject Non-governmental organizations (552 entries)
Erziehungsberechtigte parent or (legal) guardian
Essensbeitrag meal fee
EU-Passfoto passport photo meeting the EU requirements
Europaabkommen Europe Agreement
Fachmittelschule secondary vocational school
Fälligkeit payment date
Familienbeihilfe child benefit
Familiennachzug family reunification
Feststellungsbescheid Statement by the Labour Market Service acc. to Art. 2 (4) of the Employment of Foreign Nationals Act
Firmenbuchauszug extract from the Company Register
Förderkriterien eligibility criteria
Förderkurse remedial courses
Förderungswürdigkeit eligibility
Frauenförderung promotion of women (in the City of Vienna)
freier Dienstvertrag freelance employment contract
Freiraumnutzung use of open space
Freizügigkeitsabkommen EUSchweiz agreement between Switzerland and the EU on the free movement of persons
Freizügigkeitsrichtlinie freedom of movement directive
Fremde foreign nationals
Front Offices Front Offices (service centres in the Municipal District Offices in Vienna)