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Terms for subject Beekeeping (377 entries)
Erneuern renewal
Erneuern renovation activities
Erneuerung des Brutnestes der Bienen brood nest renewal
Erziehervolk nurse colony
Fanggitter für die Bienenkönigin queen trap
Fanggitter für die Bienenkönigin unit for determining sexual maturity in queens when fertilizing them artificially
Faulbrut beet pest
Faulbrut beet plague
Fersenbürste der Biene short bristles on the internal part of the working bee tarsus
Flugloch beehive-entrance
Fluglochbrett alighting-board
Fluglochbrett flight alighting-board
Fluglochkeil entrance reducer
Fluglochkeil entrance block
Fluglochkeil adjustable entrance
Fluglochschieber entrance reducer
Fluglochschieber entrance block
Fluglochschieber adjustable entrance
Fluglochschieber hive entrance reducer
Fluglochschieber hive entrance block