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Terms for subject General (498507 entries)
d.O das Obige
D20 deuterium oxide
D20-Leckagesammelsystem leak collection system
D2O-Druckkesselreaktor D2O pressure vessel reactor
D2O-Druckkesselreaktor deuterium oxide pressure vessel reactor
D2O-Erstausstattung D2O initial inventory
D2O-Erstausstattung deuterium oxide initial inventory
D2O-Reinigungskreislauf D2O purification loop
D2O-Reinigungskreislauf deuterium oxide purification loop
da as
da here
da that
da there
da yet
da (weil) for (because)
da inasmuch as
da whereas
da at Providence Public Library Oksana­ Vicent­e
Da ... (Angesichts der Tatsache, dass ...) See that ...
Da beißt die Maus keinen Faden ab It's Lombard Street to a China orange