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Terms for subject Satellite communications (95 entries)
perigeum perigee
perigeum höjd altitude of the perigee
polär bana polar orbit (of a satellite)
positionsstyrd satellit station-keeping satellite
punktlob spot beam (of a satellite antenna)
radiobestämning via satellit satellite radiodetermination
rarnreferensskur frame reference burst (in TDMA)
retrograd bana retrograde orbit (of a satellite)
returlänk return link (from a space station)
riktpunkt boresight (in satellite broadcasting)
riktpunktsområde effective boresight area (of a steerable satellite beam)
roll roll (of a spacecraft)
rollhastighet roll rate (of a spacecraft)
rollvinkel roll (of a spacecraft; angle)
rymdsystem space system
samlokaliserade satelliter co-located satellites
satellitkopplad TDMA satellite-switched time division multiple access
satellitnät satellite network
soikonjunktion solar conjunction
solsynkron satellit sun-synchronous satellite