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Terms for subject Technology (6347 entries)
CIE 1964:s standardsystem för kolorimetri CIE 1964 supplementary standard colorimetric system
CIE standardljus CIE standard illuminants
CIE standardljuskällor CIE standard sources
CIE standardobservatör för fotometri CIE standard photometric observer
cigarett cigarette
cigarill cigarillo
cigarr cigar
circular mil circular mil
cirkulationsfläkt air circulator
cirkulationsfläkt i kemtvättmaskin fan unit of a dry-cleaning machine
cirkulationspump i kemtvättmaskin pump of a dry-cleaning machine
coiler hos flatskarda coiler head of a flat card
containerboard solid fibreboard
cottonmaskin cotton patent type machine
cottonmaskin straight-bar knitting machine
cottonmaskin single needle bed cotton patent type machine
cottonmaskin med fangmönstring single needle bed cotton patent type machine with tuck patterning
cottonmaskin med intarsiamönstring single needle bed cotton patent type machine with intarsia patterning
cottonmaskin med petinetmönstring single needle bed cotton patent type machine with lacing point patterning
cottonmaskin med pläteringsmönstring single needle bed cotton patent type machine with plating patterning