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Terms for subject Procedural law (705 entries)
avkomling descendant
avkomling lineal descendant
avkomling relative in the descending line
avsaknad av samtycke till äktenskapet lack of valid consent to marriage
avsikt att ingå äktenskap intention to marry
avtal om registrerat partnerskap civil covenant of solidarity
avtal utanför fasta affärslokaler off-premises contract
avtalsfrihet freedom of contract
barn till ogifta föräldrar child of parents neither of whom is married
barnalstring procreation
barnets fostran upbringing and development of the child
barnets hemvist child's habitual residence
barnets hemvist habitual residence of the child
barnets rätt children's rights
barnets rätt rights of the child
barnets rätt att höras right of the child to be heard
barnets rätt till utbildning child's right to education
barnets skydd child protection
barnets skydd protection of children
barnets uppfostran upbringing and development of the child