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Terms for subject Medical (19305 entries)
abiotrofiska sjukdomar abiotrophic diseases
ablatio pellucida pellucid detachment of the retina
ablatio retinae detached retina
ablatio retinae ablatio retinae
ablatio retinae detachment of the retina
ablatio retinae retinal detachment
ablefari ablepharia
ablefari ablepharon
ablefari ablephary
ablefaron ablepharia
ablefaron ablepharon
ablefaron ablephary
abnormt segt sekret från den mucusutsöndrande körteln abnormally viscous secretion from the mucus gland
abort av bekvämlighetsskäl convenience abortion
abortera abort
abortivt sjukdomsfall abortive course
abscedering abscess formation
abscess abscess
abscess i Bartholins körtel Bartholin abscess
abscess i bröstkorgsväggen chest-wall abscess