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Terms for subject Work flow (1701 entries)
plustecken plus sign
polydecimal klassifikation polydecimal classification
polydecimalnotation polydecimal notation
polydimensionalitet i tesaurus multidimensionality of a thesaurus
polydimensionalitet i tesaurus polydimensionality of a thesaurus
polyhierarki polyhierarchy
polyhierarki i en tesaurus polyhierarchy of a thesaurus
polyhierarkisk klassifikation polyhierarchical classification
position i notation position in a notation
positionerare locator
positionsnotation positional notation
positionsnotation positional representation
positivmetod "positive method"
post-koordinering post-coordination
pre-koordinering pre-coordination
preferensundersökning preference study
prefererad term preferred term
prekombinerat begrepp precombined concept
pressdokumentationssystem press documentation system
prestationsvärdering performance evaluation