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Terms for subject Environment (6786 entries)
urbums drilling (The act of boring holes in the earth for finding water or oil, for geologic surveys, etc.)
UV-B radiācija UV-B radiation
uz ceļa kaisāmā sāls road salt (Salt used against the formation of ice on roads; when excess salt washes off the roads, it can poison roadside vegetation or raise salt concentrations in streams and reserves of underground water. It also accelerates the deterioration of concrete and metal)
uz dzimtas tradīciju pārmantojamību balstīts (patrimoniāls) vadīšanas stils patrimonial management (A type of leadership and management style attempting to gain the loyalty and support of subordinates by excessively providing for their needs and interests)
uz iepriekšsaņemtu informāciju balstīta norunāta piekrišana prior informed consent
uz lauksaimniecību attiecināta vides likumdošana environmental legislation on agriculture (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any aspect of farm and livestock production that poses a threat to ecological integrity and human health, especially the use of pesticides, fertilizers and land)
uz naftas produktiem balstīta enerģija oil-based energy (Energy produced using oil as fuel)
uz piesārņošanu attiecināma likumdošana legislation on pollution (Rules concerning the limits of pollutant emissions)
uz sauszemes dzīvojošs zīdītājs land mammal
uz ūdens resursiem attiecināma likumdošana water resources legislation (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to manage and protect an area's natural water supply and waterways)
uz vietasā in situ (In the natural or normal place)
uz virsmas aktīvs savienojums surface active compound (Any soluble substance composed of two or more unlike atoms held together by chemical bonds that reduces interfacial tension between liquids or a liquid and a solid, often used as detergents, wetting agents and emulsifiers)
uzbūvēta struktūra built structure (Any structure made of stone, bricks, wood, concrete, or steel, built with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory)
uzbūvēta vide built environment (That part of the physical surroundings which are people-made or people-organized, such as buildings and other major structures, roads, bridges and the like, down to lesser objects such as traffic lights, telephone and pillar boxes)
uzkalns hill (A natural elevation of the land surface, rising rather prominently above the surrounding land, usually of limited extent and having a well-defined outline, rounded rather than peaked or rugged, with no specific definition of absolute elevation)
uzklausīšana hearing procedure (Any prescribed course or mode of action governing the preliminary examination by a magistrate of basic evidence and charges to determine whether criminal proceedings, a trial or other judicial actions are justified)
uzkrājumi saving (The amount of current income which is not spent for survival or enjoyment)
uzkrāšanās ķermeņa audos accumulation in body tissues
uzliesmojošs izstrādājums flammable product (Material having the ability to generate a sufficient concentration of combustible vapors to produce a flame, if ignited)
uzņēmējdarbība business (The activity, position or site associated with commerce or the earning of a livelihood)