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Terms for subject Environment (6786 entries)
agromežsaimniecība agroforestry (The interplanting of farm crops and trees, especially leguminous species. In semiarid regions and on denuded hillsides, agroforestry helps control erosion and restores soil fertility, as well as supplying valuable food and commodities at the same time)
agronomija agronomy (The principles and procedures of soil management and of field crop and special-purpose plant improvement, management, and production)
agronomiskā vērtība agronomic value (The monetary or material worth at which buyers and sellers agree to do business for agricultural goods and services)
agrosistēma agrosystem (Ecosystem dominated by the continuous agricultural intervention of man)
agrotehnoloģijas sausos apgabalos dry farming (A system of extensive agriculture allowing the production of crops without irrigation in areas of limited rainfall. Dry farming involves conserving soil moisture through mulching, frequent fallowing, maintenance of a fine tilth by cross-ploughing, repeated working of the soil after rainfall and removal of any weeds that would take up some of the moisture)
agrotūrisms agritourism (Holidays organized in a farm: meals are prepared with natural products and guests are entertained with handicraft, sporting and agricultural activities)
Aiči mērķis bioloģiskās daudzveidības jomā Aichi Biodiversity Target
Aiči mērķis bioloģiskās daudzveidības jomā Aichi Target
AIDS AIDS (aquired immune deficiency syndrome; The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by HIV-virus manifested by opportunistic infections and/or malignancies, and the mortality rate is very high. The syndrome results from a breakdown of the body's disease-fighting mechanism that leaves it defenceless against infections, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, Pneumocystis pneumonia, certain blood infections, candidiasis, invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma or any of over 20 other indicator diseases. No effective treatment is available. A striking feature of AIDS is the wide spectrum and frequency of infections with life-threatening pathogens seldom seen in normal hosts. The illness may begin with insidious signs and symptoms, and the process may be more diffuse than when the same conditions are seen in other immune-compromised patients. Four patterns of disease occur in AIDS patients. The pulmonary pattern, the central nervous system pattern, the gastrointestinal pattern, and the pattern of fever of unknown origin. Most patientswho recover from a given opportunistic infection subsequently either have a relapse or develop a new type of infection. Many patients continue to have a wasting syndrome and experience such infections as oral thrush. Feelings of depression and isolation are common among AIDS patients and can be intensified if health care workers display fear of the syndrome)
ainava landscape (The traits, patterns, and structure of a specific geographic area, including its biological composition, its physical environment, and its anthropogenic or social patterns. An area where interacting ecosystems are grouped and repeated in similar form)
ainava pēc izrakteņu ieguves landscape after mining (The process of mining disfigures the surface of the land, and in the absence of reclamation leads to permanent scars. The process spoils the vital topsoil, disrupts drainage patterns, destroys the productive capacity of agricultural and forest land and impairs their aesthetic and social value)
ainavas atjaunošana recovery of landscape (Reclamation measures taken to restore the environmental quality level of a landscape to its predisturbed condition)
ainavas izmantošana landscape utilisation (using landscape or parts of it (i.e. for tourism, sports or agriculture); Using landscape or parts of it for tourism, sports, or agriculture)
ainavas pārveidošana landscape alteration (Landscapes might change through time as a result of human activities or natural processes such as fires or natural disasters. Changes in landscape structure can be documented by using data from aerial photographs or satellite images, and new technologies, such as remote sensing and geographic information systems)
ainavas sabojāšana skyline destruction
ainavas saglabāšana landscape conservation (The safeguarding, for public enjoyment, of landscape and of opportunities for outdoor recreation, tourism and similar activities; the concept includes the preservation and enhancement not only of what has been inherited but the provision of new amenities and facilities)
ainavas saglabāšanas politika landscape conservation policy
ainavas sastāvdaļa landscape component (In visual assessment work, landscapes can be divided into four major elements. 1. Form is the perceived mass or shape of an object that appears unified, and which provides a consciousness of its distinction and relation of a whole to the component parts. 2. Line is the real or imagined path, border, boundary, or intersection of two planes, such as a silhouette, that the eye follows when perceiving abrupt differences in form, colour or texture. 3. Colour is a visual perception that enables the eye to differenciate otherwise identical objects based on the wavelengths of reflected light. 4. Texture is the visual feel of a landscape)
ainavu aizsardzība landscape protection (Elaboration and implementation of strategies and measures for the conservation, preservation, suitable use, and renewal of natural resources and nature or man-made components of landscape, in particular wildlife and natural systems of various standing)
ainavu aizsardzības zona landscape protection area (Area where landscape is protected for its particular features in order to maintain its role in contributing to the wider enjoyment of the countryside)