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Terms for subject Environment (6786 entries)
valdības saistības government liability (A public body's debt or other legal obligation arising out of transactions in the past which must be liquidated, renewed or refunded at some future date)
valis whale (Large marine mammals of the order Cetacea; the body is streamlined, the broad flat tail is used for propulsion, and the limbs are balancing structures)
valstij atbilstīgas klimata pārmaiņu mazināšanas darbības nationally appropriate mitigation actions
valstij piederošs bioloģiskais rezervāts state biological reserve (An area of land and/or of water designated as having protected status for purposes of preserving certain biological features. Reserves are managed primarily to safeguard these features and provide opportunities for research into the problems underlying the management of natural sites and of vegetation and animal populations. Regulations are normally imposed controlling public access and disturbance)
valsts amats public function (Activity carried out for the benefit of the community)
valsts atbalsts public aid (Government aid in the form of monies or food stamps to the poor, disabled, aged or to dependent children)
valsts finansējums public financing (The act of obtaining or furnishing money or capital for a program, purchase or enterprise from the general population of a community or state, usually through government allocation of tax revenues)
valsts finanses public finance (The theory and practice of governmental money matters, including taxation, spending, transfer and property incomes, borrowing, debt and revenue management)
valsts grāmatvedība national accounting (Organised method of recording all business transactions in the national economy)
valsts iepirkumi government contracting
valsts iestāde public institution (Institution for the management of public issues)
valsts iestāde statutory public body (An association, supported in whole or part by public funding, that is established to operate programs for the public, often with little interference from government in day-to-day business)
valsts iestāde administratīvajos jautājumos public institution of administrative nature (Public institution for the management of administrative issues)
valsts iestāde rūpniecības un komercijas jautājumos public institution of industrial and commercial nature (Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issues)
valsts izdevumi public expenditure (Spending by national or local government, government-owned firms or quasi-autonomous non-government organizations)
valsts jūras teritorija public maritime domain (eas or ocean areas owned by the state as opposed to individuals or corporations)
valsts kontrole state control (The power or authority of a government to regulate or command industry, organizations, programs, initiatives and individuals)
valsts kvotu konts national allowance holding account
valsts līgums public contract (Any contract in which there are public funds provided though private persons may perform the contract and the subject of the contract may ultimately benefit private persons)
valsts likumdošana national legislation (A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by the government of a sovereign state that holds force throughout the regions and territories within the government's dominion)