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Terms for subject Environment (6310 entries)
naftas patēriņš petroleum consumption (Petroleum belongs to non-renewable energy sources; it is a complex substance derived from the carbonized remains of trees, ferns, mosses, and other types of vegetable matter. The principal chemical constituents of oil are carbon, hydrogen, and sulphur. The various fuels made from crude oil are jet fuel, gasoline, kerosine, diesel fuel, and heavy fuel oils. Major oil consumption is in the following areas: transportation, residential-commercial, industrial and for generating electric power)
naftas piesārņojuma apkarošana oil pollution abatement (There are various systems for the abatement of oil pollution at sea: the "Load-on-top" system involves passing the washing from tank cleaning operations and residue from discharge of the original ballast water to an empty cargo tank nominated as the "slop" tank. Fresh oil cargo is loaded on top of the final residue left after further discharges of water, the resulting mixture being acceptable to refineries despite some additional cost in removing the salt and water. Under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, all oil-carrying ships will be required to be capable of operating with this method of retention, or alternatively to discharge to reception facilities. Another method consists in spraying on the oil dispersives and/or blasting straw and sawdust, functioning as "blotting paper", onto water, beaches, rocks and docks. The Vikoma System for the containment of oil spills at sea, developed by British Petroleum, a seaboom of about 500 metres in length, is inflated and towed downwind of the oil slick and formed into a U-shape; under the influence of wind, the oil becomes trapped within the boom. Skimming equipment travels into the boom enclosure and the oil is pumped into containers)
naftas piesārņojums oil pollution (Contamination of any ecosystem, but usually of freshwater or marine ecosystems, by oil or other petroleum products)
naftas plankums oil slick (The mass of oil that floats on a surface of water, which is discharged accidentally, naturally or by design, and can be moved by currents, tides and the wind)
naftas produktu ražošana oil production (The petroleum industry is a complex industry utilizing complex combination of interdependent operations engaged in the storage and transportation, separation of crude molecular constituents, molecular cracking, molecular rebuilding and solvent finishing to produce petrochemical products. Treatment may involve oil separation, precipitation, adsorption, and biological treatment. The refining operations can be divided into four major steps: separation, conversion, treating, and blending. The crude oil is first separated into selected fractions (gasoline, kerosine, fuel oil, etc.). Some of the less valuable products such as heavy naphtha, are converted to products with a greater sale value such as gasoline. The final step is the blending of the refined base stocks with each other and various additive to meet final product specifications. The major pollutants emitted are sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and malodorous materials; chain)
naftas resursu aizsardzība conservation of petroleum resources (Controlled utilization, protection and development of exploited and potentially exploitable sources of crude oil to meet current demand and ensure future requirements)
naftas rūpniecība petroleum industry (Manufacturing industry utilizing complex combination of interdependent operations engaged in the storage and transportation, separation of crude molecular constituents, molecular cracking, molecular rebuilding, and solvent finishing to produce petrochemical products)
naftas savācējkuģis oil recovery vessel (Boats used for recovering oil spilled at sea from oil tankers. The recommended procedure is to contain and physically recover the spill with or without the use of adsorbents. This approach entails three processes: 1. confinement of the spill by spill booms; 2. recovery of the spill by sorbing agents; 3. physical removal of the contained oil by oil pick-up devices)
naftas tankkuģis oil tanker (A very large ship which carries crude oil or other petroleum products in big tanks)
naftas un tauku pārstrādes rūpniecība oil and fat industry (Industry for the production and processing of edible oils and fats)
naftas urbumu ierīkošana drilling for oil (Boring a hole for extracting oil)
naftas urbumu ierīkošana jūrā netālu no krasta offshore oil drilling (The act or process of extracting petroleum from deposits underlying the floor of the ocean or some other large body of water)
nagainis ungulate (Hoofed mammals, including the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla)
Nagojas Protokols par piekļuvi ģenētiskajiem resursiem un to ieguvumu taisnīgu un godīgu sadali, kas gūti no šo resursu izmantošanas ABS Protocol
Nagojas Protokols par piekļuvi ģenētiskajiem resursiem un to ieguvumu taisnīgu un godīgu sadali, kas gūti no šo resursu izmantošanas Nagoya Protocol
Nagojas Protokols par piekļuvi ģenētiskajiem resursiem un to ieguvumu taisnīgu un godīgu sadali, kas gūti no šo resursu izmantošanas Nagoya Protocol on ABS
Nagojas Protokols par piekļuvi ģenētiskajiem resursiem un to ieguvumu taisnīgu un godīgu sadali, kas gūti no šo resursu izmantošanas Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Nagojas Protokols par piekļuvi ģenētiskajiem resursiem un to ieguvumu taisnīgu un godīgu sadali, kas gūti no šo resursu izmantošanas Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
nākamais pasūtījums subsequent order
nākamo paaudžu tiesības rights of future generations (The moral, legal or ethical claims of posterity on present people, based on the recognition that the young and unborn are vulnerable to contemporary decision-making, especially decisions having long-term effect on the societies and environment they inherit)