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Terms for subject Environment (6310 entries)
dabaszinātnes natural science (The branches of science dealing with objectively measurable phenomena pertaining to the transformation and relationships of energy and matter; includes biology, physics, and chemistry)
dabiskā ainava natural scenery (An area where human effects, if present, are not significant to the landscape as a whole)
dabiska atjaunošanās natural regeneration (The replacement by an organism of tissues or organs which have been lost or severely injured)
dabiska izplešanās running wild (A state of nature or a quality or state of being undomesticated, untamed or uncultivated)
dabiska meliorācijas sistēma natural drainage system
dabiska meža atjaunošana regeneration (The renewing or reuse of materials such as activated carbon, single ion exchange resins, and filter beds by appropriate means to remove organics, metals, solids, etc.)
dabiskā radioaktivitāte natural radioactivity (Radiation stemming mainly from uranium, present in small amounts in many rocks, soils, building material, etc.)
dabiskā riska analīze natural risk analysis (Analysis of the probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a potentially damaging phenomenon of nature)
dabiska (mazskarta) teritorija natural area (An area in which natural processes predominate, fluctuations in numbers of organisms are allowed free play and human intervention is minimal)
dabiskā vērtība natural value
dabiska vide natural environment (The complex of atmospheric, geological and biological characteristics found in an area in the absence of artifacts or influences of a well developed technological, human culture)
dabiskais akmens natural stone (A gemstone that occurs in nature, as distinguished from a man-made substitute)
dabiskais risks natural risk (Probability of harm to human health, property or the environment posed by any aspect of the physical world other than human activity)
dabiskās izplatības areāls natural range
dabiskas šķiedras natural fibre (A textile fiber of mineral, plant or animal origin)
dabisko risku novēršana natural risks prevention (Precautionary measures, actions or installations implemented to avert the probability of harm to humans, property or natural resources posed by conditions or events in the environment neither initiated nor formed by human activity)
dabisko teritoriju aizsardzība natural areas protection (Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintained)
dabisks materiāls natural material (No definition needed)
dabisks mēslojums natural fertiliser (Organic material added to the soil to supply chemical elements needed for plant nutrition)
dabisks mežs natural forest (A forest area that has developed free from the influence of humans and remains largely unaffected by their activities. The natural forest may include, but is not necessarily equivalent to, an old-growth forest)